
Are my looks that horrible? No one barely even supports them anymore. Haven't even been winning many flower and coin comps lately. Never mind gem competitions. Those of us who refuse to spend money in real life just to win here in Fashion Fantasy and probably advance further by buying limited time competition packages and wish store and more mystery shop and higher level boutique items and more crowns for the crown stores where the really beautiful dresses are are definitely shortchanged. Just look at how low the amount of flowers and hearts I get is. But thankfully, it's still enough to win the LookBook ranking competitions every Monday to get thirty thousand coins, ninety gems, and fifty five or sixty hearts to spend at the heart store. I'm not saying I should just get flowers and hearts without supporting people in return. I'm down to support you all all day long, but I would like that same love and consideration in return. Definitely not trying to be sour grapes or anything, but I would like to say I'd love a little more support than this. Because right now, this is honestly not motivating me to want to keep participating in LookBook competitions or even the regular competitions outside of LookBook. Anyways, keep on Fashion Fantasying.