There are really a lot of things were FF needs to pay attention
Every player should be compared with an another one who is near his/her level.The gap beetween players shouldn't be more than 10lvl (my opinion) Even though it sounds hard cos there will maybe be players who cant find their match(depends on the ppl who participate) it have to do sth about it
2-Dyeing/ Token events
I have noticed that lately events are costing like 4.k+ gems. It is really a lot for players who dont pay real money. If FF wants its players to get them ,let a longer time to the event ,like 20+days ,instead of 14 or just make it cheaper
3- Blocking
There exist many ppl who block without reason.It is unfair to others.E.x Right now I only see 2 gem events when there may be lots of them. Solution) There should be a box where you'll tell the reason why you are blocking this player and the email go to FF team. They analyse and decide
4-Mean/Rude players
Even though there don't exist many of them they still make many of us sad. Soulution) If more than 5 ppl tell FF team for the same player that is broking rules ,offending or doing unappropriate behaviour (with proofs) then he/she shouldn't play here anymore for some time (not for forever ,kinda harsh ^^)
5-Drop rate
Sometimes I believe that the drop rate is 'installed' in everyone's acc .You see ppl who always get packages with less than 800 and others who get them with 1k+. E.x. the new package today ,I spend 945 gems ,haven't finished yet -_- .It is a design box ,we have to spend more gems to design it. Boxes like that shouldn't cost more than 700-800 gems .We get all the same amount of geems for week ,so let the drop rate to be the same for all
6- Loging out
Yeah it sound cool when you win good places in events ,exchange flowers ,nothing wrong with that..But.. having many acc is stopping other players from wining. I mean how do you expect someone to win when others have like 10+gfs? Solution) The max number of accs you can create should be like 5. (Even better if there wouldn't exist. The one who deserve good places don't get them. I just saw in one event an amazing look of an player lvl 100+ which had onky some rfs and one lvl 35 who had more than her/him. Is that fair ? Not all ppl have time to menage many acc but this shouldn't stop them from winning)
Most of the events have specific themes put by sposorisors. Every single participant shound respect them. Otherwise they can't enter..So when he/she want to enter but the outfit isn't for the theme they just shouldn't participate. I understand some ppl maybe wont have clothers for that theme,but it is a must
This is one of the fewest games I have seen where you dont have private chat. Non LB looks ,non community is safe. I think that FF should create private discussions opened by every player on community.
9-Helping the new players
Even though there exist some help for them like some free outifts and some gems it still a little bit. They have to get more gems to be able to get more outfits and to catch the rhythme of the game.
In my opinion there exist and many many other things that need to be improved .(But I am tired of writting 😂) So those are some of the resons why sometimes I dislike FF