World Craft try this game ill show you how to play it everyone is online when you r there is chat! First to pick name go to options and pick usermame to change skin press skins and chose one of these! You have too watch adds to get coins when you pres s s free coins you watch a ad go back and go to multiplayer and pick a world you press the speech bubbles to ### chatAsk me if you have any more questions.
My username is Myra and I usely play on patys4ever just a heads up people can be weird. Press the book with people on it to see players you can block or report players there. (Reporting does nothing)
fashion fan0055 Is it as weird ad roblox
fashion fan0055 whats the name??
And y'all have fun!
livy Um kinda
vivi10 World Craft
fashion fan0055 Ok
vivi10 Okk
I have this game
I play it all the time
lizzy I play it all the time too what's your username?
[unknown] Oh you doo?
lizzy Do you know Gaster?
[unknown] I've never saw you before
I did play then my bro started stealing my tablet so I deleted it and now I play it all the time
lizzy Oh ok
[unknown] Ok