[unknown] What sport or sports do you do?
Cheer, dance, basketball, and Soccer
[unknown] Do you go to a small school?
And it me make this clear NO
There is 3674 people in my school
[unknown] Usually bigger schools don't allow people to do multiple sports in the same season, so that's why I was asking
[unknown] I don't mean to interfere but reading this discussion I'm like ( she is saying she have symptoms of pregnancy and in first half she's a mom ...and you're concerned about her school 😭😭😭)... please elaborate chat host ... I'm so confused what all this ...(I don't mean it in a bad way ok don't get mad..just wanted to know)😭
[unknown] She said that she is an athlethe, so I was curious about what sports she did, and then I was confused bc most schools don't let ppl do more than one sport per seasoǹ, and cheer and basketball are at the same time.
[unknown] yeah... I totally get you...but how is she in sixth grade and a mom and pregnancy symptoms...a teen mom at that... how?how? how..😭😭..
Its complicated
[unknown] I had that same thought. I just didn't want to comment about it
I'm sry if I'm confusing yl
[unknown] so are you a teen mom??..
[unknown] No reason to apologize