#MarleeIdol 0 you tell me you don't know Hindi now what is this you lied to me 😶😶😶😶😶😶
Saru❤️❤️❤️ I do kinda!!
[unknown] what she's know Hindi?
✨GHORI✨ kinda!! I can translate but can't speak English is my only language rlly but I can speak a bit Albanian not translate tho
[unknown] Oh lol where u from tho like what’s ur background
Kika India but I live in england@<3
[unknown] OHHHH lol niceeee I never knew that lol
Kika lol!!😆😆😉
[unknown] ohk
#MarleeIdol 8 you are still lying 😶😶😶😶😶 whatever I don't care your life do whatever you want with your life
Saru❤️❤️❤️ How? I speak a bit Hindi and can translate it but I speak a bit Albanian that's it. Whts, 8 btdubs? ohhh, aight:)
#MarleeIdol it's ok 👍👍👍👍Do whatever you want✨✨✨✨