How much you spend??
Lily Only 750gems!!
[unknown] OMDSS LUCKYYY I’ve just got the top left but it’s a rlly good outfit and it’s a pose so I rlly hope I finish it
Kika Yess, anyway you will gurl!! It's awesone!! I don't have any pose like this but I only have 13 now so!
I think I have 6/10 for first one, so dont think I'll have time to finish it :(
[unknown] ur kidding me right only 750? Wow
sparkles lisa 17 Yesss, thx!! I'm so surprised I totally thought it's cost 1000+ but I'm glad now I'm saving and I have near 800
[unknown] Wow keep it up!
libii658557 Yesss, my bad luck was so much like 1700-1800+ for a 12 piece box!!