Here's my entry for your 3 star challenge. Aurora Android
Aurora OMG beautiful 8\10
K8e Android
K8e Ohhh, I luv it 7\10
Name : Rhythm ID : 5089076 Android Here's my entry ~
Rhythm FYI this is so good 8\10
Also to those who entered pls know that the only way the rewards can be given out is if there's 5 or more ppl! Also is anyone ios who entered this?
[unknown] i will enter for sure
Queen Lizzy thx!! But here is the place where you post your liok!
I will enter for shure
[unknown] ok
Queen Lizzy ^^
[deleted] OMG wow I'm living this sooo... 9\10 simple but effective
[unknown] here is mine
Queen Lizzy definitely 7\10 so good
Blackpink and bts omg!!! Defiantly 8\10
[unknown] IM quiting from this challenge where people voting is not fair like always so bye
Queen Lizzy Uhh, what? Fun it's just the deco in your look are overlapping and panda?? Christmas tree? I'm sorry but??😘