It costs too much real money to buy new outfits. They are now $12.99 or $15.99 instead of $6.99 as before.
The spend gems are crazy. We have to spend 2000 gems to complete the outfit.
The token events are unattainable. I usually get 2 items. It takes a lot of energy, real money to buy the tokens or sapphires last week or gems.
The outfits with spend gems to get a piece of the outfit and we are assured to get one after 5 attempts has an unfair drop rate. We get a lot of money, flowers, etc, that we don’t want or need.
Many times, you don’t mark an outfit for sale or one to buy with gems as “all collected” so I buy a repeat outfit (Apple refunded) or spend gems for an outfit I already have (no return of my wasted 1500 gems).
Some of the outfits border on sleazy. Showing so much skin in provactive poses isn’t good for the younger kids.
Please figure out the swap for items with six stars. Also, the swap for 5 star items should include gems.
Please fix the lottery. After 5 years, I still haven’t completed outfits!!
I’ve played this game daily for 5 years and I will keep playing. I hope this is considered and changes are made.