[unknown] really? No how dare you bully anybody, and shes a friend. No i am not some dumb clone, so dont you dare start at me. It is my business when you make a friend upset. You are an adult and pretend to be a child for all the wrong attention in this game, seriously get medical help before its too late to save you.
Its a game so i dont care about level of game but i do care about level of thought. Goodluck playing by yourself and talking to yourself as i suspect pretty soon you will be left alone the way you treat players around you. Pathetic loser. Go back to your sorry life and let others enjoy the game while you cry over flowers and flowers, always begging others and then shaming the same people who ever support you! - BYE -
Ps: i feel sorry for those who put up with you or even befriend you as they dont know who you really are, or shall i say who's clone you are? Ha ha ha