@"sparkles lisa 17"miss biggest lol slayy !!
I don't know why people interested 😂 spoil someone's post like this 😐
Little fuzzy 😉
Don't used this type words to others
!!!This community makes friend's not foye !!!
You don't feel like doing anything yourself!!
It's okay!!
but !!
But !!!
if someone else does it!!
you get ( J. ) with them..........
It is a very bad thing to say something bad to someone "
or to spoil his post......
When you cannot say anything good !!!
then don't even say anything bad.....
And what is your problem ?
Miss biggest lol or slayyyyyy do one thing!
L. Mom. 763. I9nde. I9mfr. Swyi
Post something yourself and use the word lol or slay anything what did you want to do on it....
((((((()))))Dear, ((((((())))
then no one will say anything.......
...........mI hope you understood.......
....For acording your mind ......
Do you think that by writing like this type lol slay words!!!!
you will get people's attention!!!!
Then the people's things
that he /she
has used this word which is the oldest word in historical. .. ...... .......
let's look at it !!!!
What a word 😂😂😂😂😂 lol .....
No sis not like that....
Now you read it and.......
I know you will definitely....
showing your writting skills 😆
And I'll wait for it ......
Dear lol don't use bad words 😅
This type words hurt to someone!!!!!!
Pepper or rock is not same ......