Hi!! I'm so so sorry to hear about that!!! That definitely is terrible and if your friends are treating you that way then they're definitely not true friends and don't deserve your time! Maybe your better off without them..you don't need them negatively impacting your life!! I've been through similar situations with you when I was in middle school too, I also had friends who loved to fight with me, ditch me and tell the teachers lies to get me in trouble bcz they absolutely loved drama so I completely understand you!! But don't let it get to you...I though I'd never find anyone that clicked with me and understood me but what I realised is it takes time!! I only found my true best friends when I entered high school! I'm sure you'll come across someone nice! It's just takes time to find the right people! And when I moved countries it was so depressing & sad to have to leave those best friends I clicked with and start all over in a new country! I began to hate going to school, being miserable bcz I would sit at lunch all alone 😔 and had no one that with click with me or be nice to me! But you know what I realised?? Is as much as you hate and it makes you depressed..you only get to experience middle school once and your only a teenager once so don't let other takes away those experiences and happiness away from you! It does get better! I promise you ❤ I also thought it would never but it did! And most importantly don't hate yourself bcz of others!! Continue being the beautiful person that you are, because those people are never "true" people and they certainly don't deserve you from how they've been treating you! I pray that you never ever forget what a beautiful person you are and the other experiences there are out there! I'm sure you have an amazing and bright future ahead of you! And what I found is doing things that make you happy often help lift you up then sitting alone in misery ! Maybe don't hang out with anymore as it will really bring you down and instead find something to do that makes you happy! Like maybe during lunch read your favourite book, listen to your favourite music or bring a fun activity you like doing or even playing some games on your iPad/phone if you're allowed to!!! I really hope and pray you'll find someone nice, as much as it sounds scary…maybe true putting yourself out there and hopefully you'll find a good friend or to! I takes time sometimes to find good people I this world! Don't let those people bring you down and most IMPORTANTLY don't let them take away your happiness!!!! The best thing you can do is love yourself, trust yourself, remember you are worthy and come back even stronger! When I look back on that time, I'm so so grateful i remained strong and trusted myself! Maybe also talk to a trusted adult/counsellor/family member/school aid/trusted friend for some help too! As much as you think it will do nothing, it really helps to lift all that weight of your chest and it always makes you feel better when you talk it all out! You're not alone, please know that! Your my friend and I'm always here if you ever need anything or someone to talk to! 🥰❤ please reach out for help if you ever need to!!! I'm here for you 💞 I'm sending you lots of hugs 🤗 so sorry for the long msg too!