So beautiful 😍
Rosie Yayy finally this is so beautiful ❤️
Rosie ooh I love the roses! Very nice!
Beautiful ❤️
Wow ...just when I'm broke 😭
It's beautiful 🥲🥲
Rosie soo pretty 😍😍😍😍
Rosie I think she should have red hair tho !
Rosie i'm soooo broke😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Rosie Boudorh Amertt🙄🙄🙄 tapi cute bangett siehh yang valentine nya🥺🥰❤️❤️❤️ I think l buy🤔🤔
It's the way this outfit went from a gem box to a collect gems activity 🙂
Rarity 2.0 I got it 🎉🎉
Rarity 2.0 Crazy how FF still does gem collecting events as if people haven’t been talking about how ridiculous those are since like… 2018
Rarity 2.0 You know, that thing is harder to know than spend gem....Yh🙄🙄🙄LaZy
Rosie I really love it
Can someone tell me how many diamonds I need to spend on this outfit? I currently have 970 diamonds.
Angela check out my messege up above !
libii658557 Facts
😯😯😯😋😋 So sexy ! 🤑😘 Love this . 🤔🤔 Does anyone know how much will it cost ? I'm really worried about the drop rate . 😓😓🤦
misti I got mine for 1500 gems
misti look at my messege up above!
Rarity 2.0 What else?????.I said, get gems is more difficult than spend gems....
libii658557 It is more difficult