Blackpink and bts 😂😂
Rose Mary this won that you are doing off and on wassup na . I want to sleep byee see you tomorrow.
faithamoren how far
faithamoren Faith u never add for our class group. And sewa told that u send the edit I did on the group and was asking why no dey there
bby_girl i dey
Blackpink and bts u both hv some problem
Blackpink and bts Sewa told that she send the edit to the group Michelle was asking why she wasn't on the edit
bby_girl No. My tying wss wrong
Blackpink and bts okay
Blackpink and bts she didn't join us and snap
Blackpink and bts
Cause she did not snap with us
bby_girl Rose it is unlike you to be awake by this time
Blackpink and bts in the morning I will be seeing the result
bby_girl ik that girl is just annoying
bby_girl Hehehe.
Blackpink and bts in the morning I will be seeing the result of not sleeping
Blackpink and bts yeah but that not my problem
Blackpink and bts faith is online
bby_girl K ma😂
Blackpink and bts 😘
bby_girl Just to edit. Am bored
Blackpink and bts omggg who is that beautiful girl that looks jk wife
bby_girl No thanks.
Blackpink and bts whyyyyy is she not beautiful enough