faithamoren why did you treck
bby_girl cause my brother didn't come
bby_girl the doctor said I don't have blood in my body
faithamoren okay But you didn't call him
faithamoren that means you won't come today
faithamoren what was lamine oyin and semi doing when you fell down
faithamoren bby_girl Well I kinda of blame u guys. But favour should her life and relationship with God is more important than bestie.
@bby_girl plz favour has lost it she is saying she is a devil she is a devil plzz my chest is paining me i can't stop crying find a way to help plz i don't want anything to happen to her
faithamoren Omg😣😣😣
faithamoren who is the her is it favour she will not do you anything If she want to kill her self she should go ahead not my business And as for you you should stop crying tears is expensive
Hi 😊😊🤗🤗🤗
Blackpink and bts I know it all my fault
Blackpink and bts nobody should blame me for what didn't do okay Or you tell me how it is my fault or faith
Blackpink and bts so how is it our fault if she thinks she is a devil then she most be besides she is jealous of her sick friend
Blackpink and bts see you don't understand okay She is jealous because of a boy that does not like her or is love by focus
Blackpink and bts so you should not blame me or faith okay like for your infor
Blackpink and bts or don't you think I have feeling we all have feeling but don't let envy or jealous get in your head that is all Feel free to send it to her don't forget to add said by Rosemary aka bby_girl
faithamoren as for me I don't care so what do lanime and oyin with semi have to say but this ask them
bby_girl okay I have heard
bby_girl okay ooo Like for real why should she be jealous...... and me I don't want any problem before her mom starts saying that I am the cause of her daughter problem🤷🏿♂️
You guys should answer my question
bby_girl i don't understand understand what you wrote
faithamoren u are not the cause of anything
faithamoren u can send it to her tell her that is Rosemary that said it
faithamoren I have something that will make you laugh
faithamoren John use to call tolu Toto When tolu say it the people in the bus was now calling him Toto he then said they should stop because they don't know the meaning but I do and laugh want to kill me but I hold it