KaziTheRat She makes me laugh and we have made out before and still do at school. Long distance relationships don't work for me because you never actually know if someones lying. Again I'm not saying you arent awesome or not girlfriend material I'm just saying this is my opinion. After school we talked and we both just figured out our friends are trying to break us up and I honestly love her. Plus I thought you were looking for a new boyfriend so I don't wanna interfere with that.😰 Tell me if I'm wrong? Just know I still wanna be friends. But I've got the girls I've dreamed of. You and her. But she's right here and I can show affection to her whenever I can and I really do take advantage of that. But if we date I can't have that for us. Its not you its just me. Also I have separation anxiety so if I leave her at some point I will suddenly become depressed and have suicidal thoughts and feelings and I don't want that half the time. Relationships are hard and I don't want it to be super hard just because we have long distance. Though me and her don't live together we see each other on a daily basis. Please don't hurt because I still want you in my life just differently.😥