Swiftie13 what type of cloth do u like to wear
bby_girl It depends on how I feel. What about you?
Swiftie13 yh
Swiftie13 personally gold fits my colour palette better but I love both!
✨bella✨ Slay
bby_girl what's your type in boys?
Swiftie13 idk really know but true love start with friendship
bby_girl I agree. Do you play any instruments?
Swiftie13 no but I'm leaning how to play the guitar
bby_girl I play guitar, piano, flute, and the drums
bby_girl Do you have any questions for me?
Swiftie13 do you have a boyfriend
bby_girl Yes, I do
Swiftie13 what grade are you in
bby_girl 9th
Swiftie13 do you like kpop
bby_girl Not really
Swiftie13 okay do you have any question to ask me?
bby_girl Do you speak more than one language?
Swiftie13 yes
bby_girl What languages do you speak?