bby_girl No the game
vivi10 in lb name my is Athena in community my name is bby_girl my real name is Rosemary and my name on tiktok is bby_girl0852 sorry I don't know if it was my real name or my other so I just gave u some of my name
I ment lb,
vivi10 Athena
vivi10 love ur new profile pic
vivi10 just followed u on lb
Would you
bby_girl Would you like to be friends on lookbook??
vivi10 that would be great
Swiftie13 Hey y'all what r you doing???
bby_girl I'm sorry I don't really know you so I don't want to give you personal information like my snap
Swiftie13 hi she can't go on Community... She said that it isn't working..
vivi10 Huh?
vivi10 Wdym?
Swiftie13 What does that mean??
vivi10 it means what do you mean
Oh ok
She cant go here cuz Its isn't working
vivi10 Ok
vivi10 Tell her what I said
Swiftie13 Ummm i can try 😅😅😅