Becky❤ hey are ur favour??
Becky❤ Hi sis!!! I can help if u want or need help on anything!! This game is very fun but Surprising at the beginning but keep playing because it gets slot better!!🤗🤗🤗😁😁❤❤😋😋
Becky❤ Here are some.of my looks and I have only played for a year
Thanks guys I really appreciate it😍😍
SLAY u ate that up girly!
Happy New month guys 😊
[unknown] happy new month💓😘
bby_girl by the way all of your looks slayed😍😻
I need help😥
[unknown] what level are u in?
[unknown] Happy new month❤
@"bby_girl"#p10527I think level10 I don't play that much😊
[unknown] okay
[URL=https://i.imgur.cxokitty xo kitty Min ho and kitty😍😘❤❤
[URL=https://i.imgur.cxokitty xo kitty Min ho and kitty😍😘❤❤.
[IMG]https://[URL=] min no xo kitty😘
Do u like the movie too
bby_girl I love it❤