livy I was the one who first mentioned your name so I think is my responsibility to explain what I said about you. It is a long convo beetween Queen Lizzy and lenzy ,so it hard to explain. Like I dont even exactly know why it started or things like that... but it doesnt matter. Let's go straight to the point. I told my bestie Queen Lizzy that "I dont know why this girl lenzy ,who wasnt even mentioned or had written anything above ql's comment started this converstaion,unlikw Livy who was a very kind and good girl /boy ,she understood the situation and didnt open any agrument even though she had already comm sth above " P.S I dont remember every singe word I wrote in it . But that was the point . If you need any further explanation pls dont hesistate. I took you as an example . Sorry if it was distrubing 👉👈 didnt meant too♥️.