lenzy Ok ,I apologise in her name . Can you pls end this convo ? Cause fr is a pointless discussion .
Alright . 💀Like dang this was my first discussion and it was so negative .
libii229681 nah she apologize to me first cuz she didn't have to be part of this convo
libii229681 o mj e di sa me kujton sheronin kjo. Mua
Queen Lizzy qr vrj se na cau kokn
lenzy u did that to urself but ok 🙂
lenzy Don't worry 😊 It is going to get better other times. There exist so mamy kind fashionistas . B.T.W welcome to the comunnity and FF
Queen Lizzy
Why should I apolozied to you for joining a conversation ? Is this your private platform.
Gurl thinks she own this platform lol
libii229681 e di 🤭
Queen Lizzy opo ik . Mo i kthe më prgj se s dua pstj t fillojn jo ato jan kshu e ashu e o sa e urrejjjjj ,kur hapin discussione ,jo m tha lshu e ashu
Yeah welcome honey cuz it all ended now, hope u have a great time in here 🥰
lenzy omg can u at leat stop
libii229681 ehh na çau bth me vrt
libii229681 o mj po sa duket si Sharon mj
Queen Lizzy vrl
libii229681 ehh hahahah
Queen Lizzy hap 1 chat jo ktu
libii229681 po pse mj do mere me me ket un
Queen Lizzy 😂😂thash t shyrje mllefin 😂
Mos te pafsha me surratin
libii229681 o mj un do e kisha dgjnr familjarisht po rude thot kjo. Kjo kushe di sa semundje me ka uruar mua hahahah