sparkles lisa 17 This is Arabic language 🙂 + she's talking to the other Lisa not you 😅
[unknown] oh ok I still don't understand. Do uk wat she's saying ?
[unknown] I spoke in my Arabic language 😅I congratulated her on her excellence and wished her success
LISA hunny if ud like a friend there's plenty o good ppl on here tht can b a good friend to u . Not this person!!
[unknown] no gd she doesn't want any o ur advice! Lemme give u sum advice u sicko, this is mainly a kids game so knock it TF off ,!! Or else !! Ull get banned!!!
[unknown] Thank you for helping her 💗
♡ ࢪسـولـة ♡ awwe ur very welcome hun I can't c doin this to a lil kid like Lisa wassamatter w ppl these days?? Wierd uk? Sick too!
[unknown] oh do uk wat this post is supposed to b abt? Can u plz tell me?
[unknown] The author of this post has obtained the general exemption, and through it, she will not be tested in the final exams 😅 We congratulate her and wish her well
♡ ࢪسـولـة ♡ oh how nice for her well tysvm I will wish her well too!
[unknown] Tysm For helping her that person was blackmailing her I was litterly scared Dear worried about her then I told to my friends then they flagged her
Queen 👑Mïa yes ik sweetie I was one o the ones tht u messaged in lkbk! An yw vm so! We can't have this goin on in a kids game, uk!!
[unknown] You're welcome, dear Lisa 💗
LISA congratulations hunny!! Thts great news !!
sparkles lisa 17 think you Lisa
[unknown] I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you wrote because I don't understand English abbreviations very much. Can you write without abbreviations, my dear?
[unknown] Yes I said that I can't see doin this to a little kid like Lisa wassamatter with people these days? Wierd uk? Sick too!
[unknown] not only that but I can't see doin this to anybody!! Who is this person? Where is he from ?? If he was in my country he'd b in BIG trouble!!
[unknown] I have understood