#MarleeIdol NO I didn't you blocked me
♡Princess Mery♡ Why can't we are each other I only block some but you r not any!!
#MarleeIdol So why is my block list empty then?!
♡Princess Mery♡ mine is with Fahsion Goddes Nhiel
#MarleeIdol I'll never talk with you btw, you're still lying
#MarleeIdol I don't care anymore I don't need a dishonest friend like you!
♡Princess Mery♡ Is this an act . u both decided to put on.😒🙄 #MarleeIdol
♡Princess Mery♡ 😒 Blackpink and bts
@"Blackpink and bts"#p70698No why? LITERALLY NO
♡Princess Mery♡ K!I will pretend to believe
Blackpink and bts I don't need your belief but I can not understand her either,
♡Princess Mery♡ Wait let me help u?did u delete ur group photo with her
Blackpink and bts
Blackpink and bts what's your problem with me? Group photos are temporary
♡Princess Mery♡ Just trying to help
♡Princess Mery♡ She gets very angry when someone delete an important group photo
Blackpink and bts but I don't want your help you lie as much as she does, don't worry your friend is yours now!
Blackpink and bts ok? I took thousands of group photos how can I keep them all?!
Blackpink and bts We did it for like,ever your said never delete?
♡Princess Mery♡ Am a liar huh?😂😂💀
#MarleeIdol Oh?
Blackpink and bts Ya anyway look at this!😒 ...✓✓✓